How Does Generation MLM Plan Work?
In Generation Compensation Plan one member can recruit two people to the first level. This means that the sponsor can make only two distributors underneath, i.e. Left Leg and Right Leg. It is also referred as Power Leg and Profit Leg. If member sponsors more than two new members, excess members are placed at down line below the sponsoring member's forefront. This 'spill over' is an attractive feature that appeals new members, since they only need to sponsor two members to participate in the Generation compensation plan. That is why it is often termed as Generation Spill over MLM Plan. Earnings in Generation plan is always calculated on matching volume of sales done from both legs. And unmatched business volume gets carry forward for next payout. Matching volume may vary such as 1:1, 1:2, or 2:1. MLM Generation Plan software can also be combined with Level or Forced Matrix that results in hybrid software MLM plan.